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This print is a reproduction of the original painting that is 7ft by 3ft in length and height, it was created with tempera paint and color sticks, in San Antonio TX 2021. This piece was inspired by Botticelli's, Birth Of Venus, and has a representation of the Hindu Goddess of destruction as well as the Egyptian sky Goddess Nut, who rules over the cosmos. The green hills and mountains which have the curves of a woman's physique portray the fertile mother earth, Gaia. This piece celebrates feminine energy in all forms, and efforts to embody the magic and mystery of the feminine realms. 

Our heavier-weight, white, premium matte paper has a natural, smooth uncoated finish that feels luxurious to the touch.

  The 200 gsm/ 80 lb paper weight makes it durable and long-lasting.
We use FSC-certified paper or equivalent certifications depending on regional availability. It’s better for the people and the planet.
 Each poster is shipped in robust packaging, ensuring it arrives safe and secure.
Paper sizes may vary slightly by region. For the US and Canada, the measurement is in inches, while for the rest of the world, it is in centimeters.
It is printed and shipped on demand. No minimums are required. 

Goddess Energy, Premium Matte Paper Poster

SKU: 8b237929-3036-41da-aa72-c0f115b3
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